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National Institute of PEN


A multi-day, two part workshop to learn about Progressive Education and enhance your practice as a progressive educator, within a cohort context (a lasting community of supportive, inspired colleagues).

We are thrilled to announce that the host schools for NIPEN 9.0 are two amazing, long – standing  PEN partners: Crossroads School for Arts and Science (independent), and City Neighbors School (public).  Both of these two wonderful schools will offer our cohort members an opportunity to immerse in a K-12 setting in an exciting city!

Applications due by/before September 30th, 2024!


QUESTIONS? Please contact us at

January 30- February 1, 2025
Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences (Santa Monica, CA)
April 24- April 26, 2025
City Neighbors Hamilton (Baltimore, MD)
$1950.00 for both segments (this fee includes materials, supplies, and most meals)
Application available!

Participants can expect to:

Develop powerful relationships with progressive educators from across the country

Strengthen knowledge of Progressive Education (history, pedagogy, ideals, and assessment)

Immerse in progressive school settings during both segments

Enhance progressive practices at their schools, and contribute to the mission of progressive education at large


Why should you take NIPEN? Listen here, and then apply!

What is NIPEN?

Learn a little bit about NIPEN, a unique, 6- day professional development opportunity brought to you by PEN.



What is NIPEN?

The National Institute of PEN, a workshop series offered by the national organization of the Progressive Education Network. It is a 6- day, small group (maximum 24 participants), progressive learning experience.

Why does NIPEN exist?

NiPEN was created as an answer to the question, “Where can I go to learn more about Progressive Education?”

What are NIPEN’s objectives?

1. Increase participants’ knowledge about progressive education (historical context, ideals, and pedagogy), and
2. Embolden participants to be able to contribute to the mission of Progressive Education in their school setting and at-large.

How is NIPEN structured?

NIPEN is a 6-day experience, divided into two 3-day segments. The two segments are separated by about 3 months to allow each participant to begin to implement his/her action plan, with the support of their “triad” (a 3-person study support group).

Where does NIPEN happen?

Each NIPEN has two segments,  held in two different schools (in different cities). For example, NIPEN 8.0 was held at Francis W. Parker School (Chicago, IL) and at Wickliffe Elementary (Upper Arlington, OH)

Why should I apply?

If you…
…want to learn more about Progressive Education (historical context, ideals, & pedagogy)
…want to serve as a Progressive Education leader in your school
…are needing a dose of inspiration
…want to increase your students’ connection to social justice & democratic ideals
…relish the idea of having the support of like-minded colleagues & friends from across the country
…like the idea of learning and playing together
…want to make a difference to your students, your colleagues, your school, and education at-large through a Progressive Education message & action plan
…want Progressive Education to gain in strength and numbers across the country