The Hanahau’oli Teacher Collaborative: An Institute for Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design

June 24, 2019

Hanahau'oli School Professional Development Center, 1922 Makiki Street, Honolulu, HI 96822

Join us this summer in Honolulu, Hawaii for
The Hanahau‘oli Teacher Collaborative:
An Institute for Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design

June 24 through July 5
Weekdays 8:45 am – 3:00 pm
(no class on July 4)

October 17 & November 7: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
Remote Check-in, Troubleshooting & Support Sessions

$1,350* including materials

To register, visit

The Hanahau’oli Teacher Collaborative is a two-week institute for educators that focuses on interdisciplinary curriculum design for the purpose of engaging youth in meaningful learning. Led by locally renowned progressive educator, Dr. Robert Peters, participants will have the opportunity to engage in foundational seminars (topics listed below), learn from practicing teachers, observe interdisciplinary lessons and units in action, experience interdisciplinary strategies and resources, collaborate with other educators, design interdisciplinary units of their own, and receive individual coaching as they implement curriculum and reflect on their practice.

This institute is ideal for individual educators, grade level teams, administrators, curriculum coaches, and school teams that are looking for tools to:
• Improve School and Curriculum Design
• Increase Student Voice
• Engage in Teacher Collaboration
Early childhood and elementary educators may particularly benefit from the institute.

At the end of the Institute participants will walk away with a draft interdisciplinary unit that includes student outcomes, instructional strategies and resources, assessment tools, and a network of lifelong colleagues to collaborate with in the future. Work time is incorporated throughout the Institute including access to instructors, resources, and small group debriefing.

Seminar Topics Include
Progressive Education – Progressive philosophy and pedagogy, with connections to school design, student voice, and teacher collaboration

Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design – Thematic interdisciplinary instruction capitalizes upon student interests and promotes critical thinking and collaboration, integrating skill-development, the arts, and literature

Collaboration & Communication – Create an environment that supports working together as problem-solvers, while developing the skills to become effective communicators

Critical & Creative Thinking – Foster inquiry by building upon natural curiosity and asking questions that promote thinking

Assessment & Standards – Know what is important for students to learn and how to assess it—to inform instruction and evaluate student progress

Technology as a Tool – Integrate technology effectively as both an instructional and evaluation tool

About the Instructor:
Dr. Robert G. Peters served as Head of School at Hanahau‘oli for 30 years. Hanahau‘oli is a multi-age school in the progressive education tradition which emphasizes creative expression through the arts. Dr. Peters is an instructor in the UH-HAIS Masters Degree program in Private School Leadership and has taught at the University of Massachusetts, Smith College and Hampshire College. In 2000, he was Visiting Scholar at the Klingenstein Center at Columbia University. Peters received his Doctorate in Educational Foundations in 1980 from the University of Massachusetts.